Thursday, November 01, 2007

The Saints marching in ....

(from BBC)
this is just an illustration ... obviously i'm not talking about a football team,
but i want to march with the Saints,
just like what Sara had describe in her song ... 

it's easy to talk about changing the world over a cup of coffee,
it's easy to say we want to make a difference in this world,
it's easy to say, but it's not easy to live it out .... 

but - that's not the point - 
through Christ, and only through Christ who gives us strength,
through Christ we had overcome the sin, and death,
to give us the ability to live for Him,
and make a differences in this world and next !

On-wards Christian Saints !



Check this out ...

I think of Paul and Silas in the prison yard
I hear their song of freedom rising to the stars
And when the Saints go marching in
I want to be one of them
I see the shepherd Moses in the Pharaohs court
I hear his call for freedom for the people of the Lord

And when the Saints go marching in
I want to be one of them
And when the Saints go marching in
I want to be one of them

I see the long quiet walk along the Underground Railroad
I see the slave awakening to the value of her soul

I see the young missionary at the angry spear
I see his family returning with no trace of fear

I see the long hard shadows of Calcutta nights
I see the sisters standing by the dying mans side

I see the young girl huddled on the brothel floor
I see the man with a passion come and kicking down that door

I see the man of sorrow and his long troubled road
I see the world on his shoulders and my easy load

And when the Saints go marching in
I want to be one of them
And when the Saints go marching in
I want to be one of them
I want to be one of them
I want to be one of them
I want to be one of them
- Sara Groves - When the Saints (free Discovery Download on iTunes for the week)