Saturday, March 28, 2009

South America on deck ....

This post has been sitting in my edit mode folder for a couple of weeks now ... it's not finally done 

I've been thinking about South America lately, you know Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Peru, Ecuador, Uruguay, Paraguay, countries that we don't really talk about unless it's something related to soccer/football events such as World Cup or Copa America or their football stars such a Kaka and Messi. Also, other things aside from football comes to mind, specifically the politics and the green economy of Brazil. Time magazine had an article up a couple days ago regarding how Brazil might not be affected by the economic down turn at all see this article , also about their left-leaning governments , also from Time. 

on the other hand .... 
Hillsong United has been rocking out in South America
(i've seen a few of them from the I heart Revolution DVD,
 and i was practically ballin' at the end of it ....
here's just a clip of "From the Inside Out" in Spanish ... 
Just an observation on the crowd, they had been very enthusiastic, i'm not trying to make any generalization statements about the continents just from the video itself, but it seems like the younger generation in South America (maybe just like the rising generation in Europe, see Red Moon Rising) is rising and hoping for truth, and tend to be edgier on the outside, but regardless need the hope and love in Christ. I don't have much statistics for South America, here's one from Wikipedia on Brazil (, and another article from Reuters ( 
(i know these sources are from MSM ... let me know if you have more info to supplement that!)

anyways ... that's just something has been on my heart lately ... to pray for South America!
so, next time when you watch Copa America, or heard of the latest news on Messi, pray for their countries, pray for truth about Jesus Christ to be preached, for the church to reach out, and for healing and reconciliation !

peace out .. =P

til next time,

Sunday, March 08, 2009

Finally settled ? Let's move on.

Somewhere between the last post, and this one ... 
i've made a decision to stay in College Station, instead of moving to the Metroplex ... 
i know the decision doesn't sounds like me ... with the lights of the metroplex, sports teams, coffee shops, inner-city challenge, possibly 20's something ministries, relevant-minded / missional churches .. etc ... calling ... in the midst of that .. to decide to stay in a suburban college town .. 

i'm not sure my reasonings completely make sense, maybe it's just a feeling, a gut feeling. Part of me wanted to leave for a while now, for reasons stated above, but somewhere ... between decisions there's a heart change. I think, as for anything, reasons might not be clear cut, it's like murky waters sometimes. 

anyways ... 
though it might not look like a new start, as in moving to a new city and start everything over ... 
it's a new start ... though it might not look like new on the outside. i admit there are still many thoughts that i need to sort through ... from careers, ministries, to relationships. 
It all goes back to the new year resolution that i made ... freedom in Christ in my workplace, freedom in Christ in ministry/faith communities, freedom in Christ in my relationships ... i guess much of that has to do with Matt 11:28 ... with rest in Christ, and going to Him !

after making up my mind, i've decided to delve more into this local community - and found groups of people that are trying to do the same thing. i hope again to engage this community for Christ, it might not look like seattle or portland, but ... again ... every city has its challenges and needs ... so after googling for sometime ... here are some local resources that i've found and maybe i'll blogged about them ...

Brazos Valley Happenings ...  
Village Cafe / Art 979 Gallery ... 
Brazos Valley Farmers' Marker ... 

to somewhat wrap it up, i know that God is not done with me, well He is not done with any of us. 
i think this might just be the environment that He wants to grow me in for a few more years ... 

til the next post ... peace out.


meanwhile ... check out Jon Foreman's new band/project ...