Wednesday, June 11, 2008


i wrote this couple months ago on an airplane flying back from Taiwan ... just thought i would share this on my blog =)

Between the shores is where i am,
stuck between the time of present, past and future,
the culture of east and west,
the beauty of Your creation.

Thank You for opening my eyes,
to see the wonders of Your works,
to see that You're still actively working in this world,
in You the world is flat because Your gospel is flat.

Your love is without boundaries,
without partial ratings and such,
a boy in Texas is as much in need of Your grace as a girl in Moscow, so is the village in East Timor to the streets of Taipei.

Your mercy is new,
Your grace is fresh,
and the heralds yell out,
"Repent for the kingdom of God is near!".
Even the beat of Motown screams for freedom,
not anymore from the slavery of man but from the slavery of sin.

As we march with Your beats,
and only Yours,
only Your gospel, Lord Jesus,
can rescue us.

Salvation is here!

1 comment:

Francisco said...

Liked this poem!